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Google Classroom

Google Classroom enables teachers to create an online classroom area in which they can manage all the documents that their students need. Documents can be stored on Google Drive but what really enhances the experience is the teacher/student interface, which Google designed for the way teachers and students think and work.


The Google Classroom training includes:

Logging into Google classroom

Setting up classes

Enrolling students

Your class look and feel

Adding co-teachers




Video meetings

Setting assignments, quizzes and questions

Communicating with students and parents

Marking, grading and returning assignments

Checking originality of assignments

Gradebooks and grade summaries

Recording in Google Classroom

This course can be purchased as a one-off for £99, but is also included FREE OF CHARGE with our unlimited training package.


To purchase the Google Classroom course to do at your own time, with downloadable notes, video presentations and assignments, please complete the form below.

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