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Microsoft Office Essential Skills


Micosoft Office is used fairly universally in organisations includings schools, and is a n amazing tool for finance and admin staff.  This 'essentials' course gives an good grounding in the 4 main packages - Word, Excel, Powerpoint & Outlook.  Each one has a 1 hour training session with notes and an assignment and on completion of the sessions and assignments, the delegate receives a Certificate in Microsoft Office Essentials.


  1. Microsoft Word - creating and editing documents, formatting, layout, copy & paste, spellcheck, printing options, inserting objects. 

  2. Excel - creating and editing spreadsheets, calculations and formulae, copying, formatting, layout, printing.

  3. Powerpoint - creating and editing presentations, layout & design, adding graphics, animation. 

  4. Outlook - using mail incl, attachments CC/BBC & folders,  using calendar. 


The whole 4 session course costs £99 per school and multiple staff can use the course for this price.   


To follow this course online at your own date/time using downloadable notes, video recordings and session assignments please complete the form below

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